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L'année 2012 est la lettre "H"


Vous trouverez ci dessous
des exemples de noms simples et composés
pour votre futur compagnon :

Prénoms Composés (mes créations)

Haëlle,Ha'L, H'A-bana, H'abel, H'abriel, H'aby, H'adam, H'adèle,Had'L, H'ady, Hai-Cha,
Halfa-Blondy, Half, HALEh,  Hal-Vin, Hallo-Wine, 
Hallo-Ween, H'Ane-Lore,
Hanna-Montana, Hanatomy Grey's, Hana' tomy, 
Hanny-Lenox, Hano'Rak, Hamanda-Lyre,
 H'appy,Happy-Fizz, Happy Fit,  Har'mony, 

Harchi'Bald, Harchi'med,
Hard-Rock, Hard Rocky, Hard Rokette,  
  H'arriette,Hari-Bho,Hary-Beau, Harry-Potter,Harry-Pot,
Hard-Field, Ha'Tchoum, Ha-Thos, Hara-Miss
HA-Vroche, Haval'anch, Haz-Brouck, 

Héclat 2 Rêve, Héd'N,
Héffey Glacé, H'ei-Dy,
 Hélek-Trah, Hel'ioth, Helle'Mady, Hel Fid,
Helvis Presley,Hel'Boy, Hel Girl, Helfy,
Héli-Cop, Héley Belle, Héley Cybelle,Héva Luna, Héley Chou,  Héli-Xyr, Hex'Tasy, Hé'Macaréna, H'Ley
Hemphret Bogart, Hé'Yamakasy,
Hémma'Lou, Hémy'Winehouse, HD,
H'Envy,H'erson, Hénin-Bomont, Héki'Nox, 
Héra'Gone, Hermione, Hess So Lady, Hessence Y'elle, Hes'Kyss,

H 2 O, H-S,

Hice-T, Hidal-Go, Hidylle Divine, Hitch'coke, Hilton'Paris, Hima'Laya, Hyndiana Johns

Ho'dyssée, Hoeudi'pe, Holly'wood, Hol'1pe, Ho'neil, Honk-Kong, Honk-Ky, Hor'fée, Hor'kidée,
Hot Définition, Hot-Def,
Hot Buster, Hot Face, Hot-Rod, 

 Hunter, Hugo-Boss,Hu'chi, Hutch, Hulk cat,  Hucci'Girl, , Hu'Chi, Huns', Husto'Dolcé, Hui'Ness,
Hunder-Ground, Hup'date,Huppsy'Lone, Humphret Bogart,
Hunter-rick, Hu'topie, HU'S-star, Hush'uia


de femelles en H

Hada Hadda Haddie
Haddy Hadi Hadia
Hadila Hadja Hadjie
Hadria Hady Haga
Haidi Haidy Haifa
Haiga Haila Haiti
Haja Hakoris Halfa
Hali Halinka Halka
Halla Hallie Halma
Hamanda Handie Handy
Hanga Hanja Hanka
Hanna Hannah Hannelore
Hannie Hanny Hansa
Hansie Hanta Happie
Happy Hara Harda
Harina Harmonie Harmony
Harpa Harra Harrie
Harta Hasala Hasie
Haska Hasra Hassia
Hassie Hasta Hastara
Haste Hastra Hatja
Hatta Hattie Havana
Havane Havelle Hawa
Hawanna Hayca Hayka
Hazara Heather Heda
Hedda Heddie Hedie
Hedy Heera Hefa
Hefta Hefty Heida
Heidi Heidie Heidy
Heifi Heika Heikana
Heily Heini Heinika
Heisi Hekay Hekla
Hektra Hela Helba
Helena Helga Helia
Helinda Heline Helka
Hella Hellen Helli
Helly Helma Helmi
Helsie Henjie Henna
Henni Hennie Henrike
Hera Herba Herbi
Herbie Herby Heria
Herka Herma Hermina
Herna Herpha Herra
Herras Hersi Hertha
Hertika Hertrada Hertwiga
Hesca Heska Hespa
Hessa Hessie Hesta
Hestara Hestora Heta
Hetta Hevea Hexa
Hexie Heyda Heydi
Hidda Hilary Hilda
Hildie Hilfi Hilga
Hilka Hilla Hillary
Hillga Hira Hiris
Hirka Hirta Hisca
Historia Hixi Hlende
Hloya Hoagie Hobie
Hobie Hodna Hoera
Hoja Holda Holla
Hollana Holle Holli
Hollidey Hollie Honda
Hondi Honeybee Hora
Horita Horka Horna
Hossie Hortense Hortensia
Hostess Houligane Howie
Huerde Hulda Hundra
Huntress Hurka Hurricane
Hussa Hussaya Hute
Hutta Hydi Hydra



 Idées de noms de males en H

Habi Hachi Hacke
Hacky Haddi Hades
Hadja Hadji Hado
Hadsch Hadu Hadwig
Hadzo Haegar Haesel
Hagan Hagar Hagen
Hago Hai Haico
Haige Haik Haika
Haike Hain Hajax
Hajo Hako Hakon
Hakoris Halcyon Haley
Half Halk Halley
Halli Hallo Hally
Halm Ham Hamlet
Hammer Hancho Hancock
Handi Handro Handsome
Handy Hang Hanjo
Hank Hanke Hanko
Hanne Hannes Hanni
Hannibal Hanno Hans
Hansel Hansi Hanter
Hanther Hantje Hanto
Hape Happi Happy
Harald Haraldo Haras
Harbin Harco Hard
Hard Rock Harde Hardo
Hardolf Hardt Hardy
Harko Harkos Harlan
Harlekin Harley Harlo
Harmke Haro Harpo
Harrald Harras Harro
Harros Harry Hart
Hartmut Harto Hartos
Hartu Hartus Harus
Harvex Harvey Hasco
Hasel Hasi Haska
Haskan Haskell Hasko
Haslan Hassan Hassi
Hasso Hastrid Haswin
Hatiquar Hatsch Hatschepsut
Hatta Hatti Hatto
Hattrik Hauke Havane
Havel Haven Havoc
Hawa Hawanna Haxo
Hayca Hayka Haylay
Hayo Hayos Hazer
Heart Heartbreaker Heaven
Hebo Heck Hecktor
Hector Heddy Hedel
Hedge Hedgehog Hedi
Hedo Hedwig Hedy
Heerco Hege Heicke
Heide Heider Heidrun
Heiduck Heige Heike
Heiko Heimchen Heimo
Hein Heineke Heino
Heintje Heinz Heiress
Heisi Hekay Hekrot
Hektor Helche Held
Heldritt Helen Helge
Helgo Heli Helios
Helke Helko Helle
Heller Hello Hellos
Helmo Helmold Helmswind
Helot Helvi Helvus
Hely Henckel Hendrik
Henning Hennion Henno
Henny Henri Henrik
Henry Heny Henzo
Herbu Hercule Hercules
Herda Here Herenius
Herennius Herko Herkos
Herkules Herlinde Herman
Hermes Hermes Hermit
Hero Herodes Herold
Heroldo Herolf Heron
Heros Herrero Herro
Herros Herry Hershey
Hert Hertho Herulf
Herwin Hery Herzog
Hesel Heske Hess
Hessel Hessi Hessy
Hestor Hetloop Hettel
Hetty Hex Hexa
Hexe Hexerl Hexi
Heyke Heyko Hezel
Hiasl Hicki Hickory
Hieronymos Higgens Higgi
Higgins Higgins Hilarius
Hilde Hildegard Hildegund
Hildi Hildrut Hildur
Hilger Hilke Hill
Hilldy Hille Hillery
Hillo Hilly Hilma
Hilmar Hiltrud Hinde
Hindel Hindi Hinnerk
Hiong Hippo Hippodrome
Hippy Hirk Hiro
Hirse Hirtus Hisel
Hiske Hissar Hisso
Hit Hitchcock Hito
Hitschkock Hobbit Hobbs
Hobby Hobi Hobo
Hoerby Hog Hogan
Holby Holde Holdi
Holeck Holger Holk
Hollio Holly Hollywood
Holm Holway Hombre
Homeboy Homer Homere
Homey Honcho Hondo
Hondos Honey Honko
Honny Honorius Hony
Hooch Hood Hoofman
Hook Hooligan Hoosier
Hoover Hope Hopla
Horace Horand Horatio
Horror Horshack Horst
Hort Horus Hoskin
Hoss Hot Hotshot
Houdini Houston Howard
Howdy Howler Howy
Hoyden Hubble Huck
Hudson Huendin Hugin
Hugo Hugo Huli
Hulk Humdinger Hummel
Humphrey Hundert Hunter
Huppert Huppy Huran
Huri Hurikan Hurtig
Huss Hussag Huszar
Hutch Hydalgo Hyde
Hylke Hylla Hyolli
Hypno Hypno Hypso

 G' la belle vie, G' Envie, G' La classe, G'Ferson, G'Zabel, G' la mémoire qui flanche,
Garde la Peche, Garde moi bien,
Gaga Lady, Gaby oh Gaby,
GA-bana, Gabriel-Adam, GAD El  MALEh, Gael Mon Fils,
, Gains-BAR, Ghaish-Chat, Gai-Cha
Game One,
GA- Nache,
GARDE A VOUS, Gard-Field,  GA-Vroche, GAYLORD hoser,
Génération 80,
  General Lee, Gen-Fizz  ,Gentleman Cambrioleur, Gene Kelly,
 Gian-Carlo, Georges Mick,Georges Van Pary's, Georgia, georgy, GHOST Buster, Ghost Face,
G.I -Jo, GI-Mini, Gimini-Cricket ,Gin-Fizz
, Ginger, Gin-Gembre, Gin-Tonic,  GIPSY King, 
GIRl Hunter, Give Me,Give me after midnight, GI-VENCHY,
Gladiateur, GLA-MOUR, Glamour of Divinities, Glas-Gow, GLEN Medley,
Global Deejays, GLOBE Trotter
, Gloop-Gloop,
Gloulou, Glouton
, Gloria Ghénor, Gloria Lasso,
Gnoc-ky, , God-Lur'o, God save the queen,  Go to fly, Go for Love, 
Golden Cat , Golden Lady,
Gold-Finger, Gold-Or'ak,  Gold Man
Gondole à Venise,
Grand coeur Malade,Graine de Star,
Grain 2 folie,  GRAIN 2 Bo-T, Grain de Sel, Grain 2 malice,Grain Galé
GRA -Touille, GREASE, Grey's Anatomy,
Great Lord,Green Day,  Green Wich,  Greem Lyn's, Granadine-Fizz ,Grey-Stock,  Gribouille,
 GRIFFON d'OR,   Grins-Poon,, Gringo, Gripsou, Grognard, GRO-GNON,GRO-LAND, GRO-MINET, Gros Nounours, Gros calin, Grosso-Modo,
Gucci, Gucci-Girl, Guess,Gu'Chi,Guns'N Roses,Gusto-Dolcé, Gui-Ness
Gwenn Stépfany, Gym Class Heroes*
  Merci aux 397711 visiteurs depuis le 6 Novembre 2007

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